List of emulated systems Main article: Main article: Main article: Main article: (Old branch) Main article: Main article: Main article: Interesting note on the comparison between FBA and MAME - FBA is coded for speed, not accuracy, according to iq_132.Miscellaneous drivers for lots of other hardware.Incredible Technologies 32 bit hardware ( Thread).Many of Atari's custom arcade game boards.VCO Object/Sega Z80-3D system ( Thread). And still many more arcade board games by different publishers being added almost every monthįB Neo (and FBA before that, some have been there since late 2000s) also supports the following non-arcade systems.the current active team is composed of iq_132, dink, KEV, JacKc, and barbudreadmon.The original FBA team was Jan_Klaassen, LoopMaster, KEV, Mike_Haggar, TrebleWinner (Barry), Ayeye and HyperYagami.There have also been big contributions from iq_132, Captain CPS-X, JacKc, dink and OopsWare.Individual acknowledgements are also credited in the whatsnew.html file distributed with FB Alpha.The following is the original acknowledgements from the old readme.txt."Thanks to: Dave, ElSemi, Gangta, OG, Razoola, Logiqx, TRAC, CrashTest, Andrea Mazzoleni, Derek Liauw Kie Fa, Dirk Stevens, Maxim Stepin, the MAME team, Shawn and Craig at XGaming. Last FBA team The latest makeup of the FBA team before its dissolution in 2019 composed of Barry, KEV, iq_132, JackC and dink. The latest libretro port was created on Februby barbudreadmon, it was later deprecated and moved to when FBA upstream moved to github, and a new repository directly forked from upstream was created in its stead at, on October 25, 2018. barbudreadmon is also a small-time contributor to the Yabause fork, " Kronos", and Reicast fork, " Flycast", mainly on the arcade front.↑ The credits information was copied from the Acknowledgments page in the official User Manual page's drop down menu (See Resources sector) and later edited.Full user guide (Extensive drop-down menu.FinalBurn Alpha Tutorial, on Planetemu (French.WIP threads: What I've been working on (iq_132's work in progress) (Started August 04, 2008. Big thread.) Romhack's WIP thread (Started February 04, 2015)īig thread.) Porting MAME drivers (vbt's work in progress) (Started October 16, 2011) dink's FBA Development & Fixes thread (Started March 28, 2014.FBA Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons (Started December 02, 2015).